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TraceNet technology approved by the MELCC


With the resumption of major construction projects, several cities and municipalities benefit from the ClimatSol-Plus program offered by the Ministry of the Environment and the Fight against Climate Change (MELCC) for the rehabilitation of contaminated sites. To carry out these projects, the use of a soil traceability system in accordance with the MELCC guidelines « Bonnes pratiques en matière de traçabilité des sols contaminés excavés » is required.

This traceability system must allow stakeholders to know in real time the location of trucks loaded with contaminated soils from the source site to the authorized site.


Since its release in the market, TraceNet has become a true benchmark in the environmental field for its real-time management and GPS traceability system to track soil and waste movements.

The pilot projets we've carried out with governmental authorities confirmed the effectiveness of GPS tracking to optimize project management and allow all stakeholders to have real-time access to the information about their projects.

The power, simplicity, integration with current management processes and the low cost of our app has inspired the drafting of the guidelines « Bonnes pratiques en matière de traçabilité des sols contaminés excavés » and the Projet de Règlement sur la traçabilité des sols contaminés excavés.

It is therefore natural that TraceNet's technology complies with the requirements of the MELCC guidelines, thus allowing stakeholders in the environmental and construction market to fully benefit from the ClimatSol-Plus program.

Contact us to get your copy of our MELCC recognition letter and start your ClimatSol-Plus project!


Know beyond any doubt that you are doing eco-responsible management of contaminated soils and waste with TraceNet!

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