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Who will benefit from the economic recovery?


The government is proposing to implement Bill 61 to support Quebec’s economic recovery. This bill aims to activate several types of projects, many of which target the construction sector and infrastructure renovation.

Several private and public stakeholders want these projects to support environment protection, fighting climate change, reducing greenhouse gases, and promoting the circular economy with residual materials recycling.

A recent article published by Radio-Canada entitled « Loi 61 : Elle a bon dos, la crise! » (French only) presented several concerns about all these projects. Although the bill aims to bring environmental, social and economic benefits to our society, the acceleration of investments may generate many risks if a reduction in project control measures were implemented.


Stratagems related to illegal dumping

Announced projects may involve the management of contaminated soil and waste. Traditional management processes open the door to well-documented schemes leading to the illegal dumping: falsification of paper transport manifests, loss of documents, lack of geolocation of trucks during contaminated soil movement, etc. Adding traditional controls measures with more forms and people should amplify the problem.


New information technologies and real-time tracking

Use of new information technologies and real-time tracking enforces legal disposal of contaminated soils and waste while optimizing the management of these materials.

TraceNet app has already demonstrated its effectiveness in countering illegal dumping through several projects. For example, the Outremont station pilot project done with TraceNet technology, allowed the Ministry of the Environment and the Fight against Climate Change (MELCC) to propose a bill concerning the traceability of excavated contaminated soils.

Also, the innovative nature of the app inspired the MELCC to publish the guidelines « Bonnes pratiques en matière de traçabilité des sols contaminés excavés ». This guide is mandatory for all projects financed with the ClimatSol Plus grant.

TraceNet technology is recognized by the MELCC for its compliance to the MELCC guidelines.


How to avoid illegal dumping ?

To award any contract, the public authorities must go for public bids and require control measures. Public authorities have the power to introduce contractual clauses in their bid to ensure proper project management. The use of MELCC’s guidelines « Bonnes pratiques en matière de traçabilité des sols contaminés excavés » is recommended and represent an excellent reference tool require legal and eco-friendly management of soil and waste.


TraceNet, a proven and recognized solution

Act now, voluntarily, concretely and collectively by integrating the use of technology your project management that complies with the MELCC’s guidelines.

TraceNet technology enables the optimization of project management with an access to project data in real time and tracking of trucks by GPS. The app complies with the MELCC’s guidelines and allows industry stakeholders to show to their business partners that they are doing an eco-responsible management of contaminated soil and waste in authorized sites.

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